Cobalt-base alloys are derived from the cobalt–chromium–tungsten and cobalt–chromium–molybdenum ternaries. Cobalt alloys have good magnetic properties, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and high temperature strength.

CoCrMo (CCM) Alloy 1

High corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, non-magnetic

CoCrMo (CCM) is a cobalt-chromium-molybdenum based alloy that is able to withstand high corrosion and extreme high temperatures. It is ideal for applications in high thermal, mechanical, and corrosive stress conditions; as well as biomedical applications.

Specs Markets Applications Forms
ASTM F1537, ASTM F75, ASTM F799, ISO 5832-12, ISO 5832-4 Medical Metal prostheses (knee replacements, hip replacements, shoulder replacements, disc replacements, fracture fixation) Bar, Tubing, Wire

CoCrMo (CCM Plus) Alloy 2

High strength, high corrosion resistance, high wear resistance, non-magnetic

CCM Plus is a high carbon version of CCM alloy. The cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy is a vacuum induction melted power metal that combines great properties.

Specs Markets Applications Forms
ASTM F1537, ASTM F75, ASTM F799, BS 7252, ISO 5832-12, ISO 5832-4 Medical Knee replacements, hip replacements, spinal rods, surgical implant devices Bar, Tubing, Wire


High strength up to 1500F, good suldification resistance, moderate strength, good oxidation resistance, excellent resistance to hot corrosive atmospheres

L605 is a cobalt-chromium-tungsten-nickel alloy. It is the strongest of the cobalt alloys, and is characterized by being able to withstand a wide range of conditions.

Specs Markets Applications Forms
AMS 5537, AMS 5796, EN 2.4964, GE B50A460, UNS R30605 Aerospace, Medical, Industrial, Defense, Energy Aircraft engine combustor liners, jet engine components, industrial furnace liners, springs, gas turbine engine components Bar and Wire


High corrosion resistance, high strength, non-magnetic, good ductility, high oxidation resistance

MP35N is a nickel-cobalt based allow that combines a unique set of characteristics, such as excellent strength, toughness, ductility, corrosion resistance, and biocompatibility. This allows the MP35N to be used in a wide range of applications and industries.

Specs Markets Applications Forms
ASTM F562, AMS 5758, AMS 5844, AMS 5845 Aerospace, Medical, Industrial, Energy Pacing leads, stylets, catheters, orthopedic cables, dental braces, prostheses, petrochemical equipment, racing engines, springs, leading edge strips Bar and Wire



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