420 Mod

420 Mod has higher Chromium content and the addition of 1.5-2.0% Nickel.

Chemically, this is what sets it apart from 420. 420 Mod corrosion resistance is greater than that of 420. Its corrosion resistance is among the highest of all martensitic steels. 420 Mod can be heat treated and tempered to enhance its mechanical properties. The combination of excellent corrosion resistance and high mechanical properties make 420 Mod a great candidate for many applications in several industries including medical device.


ASTM F899, AMS 5925, Euro – 1.4123, UNS S42025, Chronifer©M-15 KL, X15TN©, DIN X40CrMoVN16-2


420 Mod is used in a wide range of medical device applications:

Heavy-duty forceps, bone cutting tools, forceps, chisels, bone curettes, scissors, scalpels, knives, retractors, probes, biopsy punches, reamers, clamps, dissectors, skin hooks, needles, drill bits, drivers


420 Mod Summary Information

Specs Markets Applications Forms
ASTM F899, AMS 5925, Euro – 1.4123, UNS S42025, Chronifer®M-15 KL, X15TN®, DIN X40CrMoVN16-2 Medical, Aerospace, Industrial Heavy-duty forceps, bone cutting tools, forceps, chisels, bone curettes, scissors, scalpels, knives, retractors, probes, biopsy punches, reamers, clamps, dissectors, skin hooks, needles, drill bits, drivers Bar



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